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What is meant by

Published:2017-06-06 18:36:19Click to rate:

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Commonly known as "luminous watch" refers to a watch that is coated with phosphors, visible in the dark, or with a shiny appearance. There is also a luminous watch that appeared in the mid-1990s to make the entire surface glow. The difference is as follows:
1) the luminous meter can emit light by absorbing natural light, while the electric fluorescence meter depends on the electric energy of the battery. 
2) luminescence of the luminous watch can only be seen in the dark place, while the electric fluorescence meter can be illuminated at any time according to the corresponding system. 
3) the luminous time of the luminous meter is limited by the time and intensity of the light absorption, and the fluorescence time of the fluorescence meter is limited by the battery power.

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