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Composition of watches

Published:2017-06-06 14:59:29Click to rate:

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The composition of the watch
A, machine core (domestic or imported)
B. Case (including table cover and bottom cover)
C, band (metal or leather)
D, dial (copper, aluminum, paper)
E, rear cover (stainless steel)
F, watch, watch, etc
(A) the core
The core is the most important part of the watch. It is the "heart" of the watch. The quality of the watch determines the quality of the watch and the quality of the watch, which is crucial to the quality of the watch. Japan's original western iron city machinery core machine, its product is not qualified rate is only 5 ‰, the daily error is plus or minus 15 seconds: the domestic automatic mechanical core, its product unqualified rate is 7 ‰, the daily error is plus or minus 25 seconds. The west iron city quartz machine core is the most commonly used machine core of many watch manufacturers at home and abroad, the product disqualification rate is only 3 ‰, the month error plus or minus 15 seconds. The core of west iron city, in many brands of the core, it wins the international and domestic market with the moving characteristics and excellent accuracy. In recent years, the product quality of domestic machinery has been improving and its quality is stable.
(B) case
At present, domestic market cases are mostly made of alloy shells, copper shells, steel shells and tungsten steel shells.
1. Alloy shell: generally speaking, the processing technology is simple, the production cycle is short, the production is large, the price is low, and the development is relatively fast in recent years. However, due to its water resistance, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance and so on, it is seldom used in large-scale celebration activities, and generally used in promotions such as beer and beverage. Belong to medium, low grade watch.
2. Copper shell: copper shell has the advantages of easy processing, beautiful appearance, good waterproof performance, surface abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance. Many manufacturers are mostly adopted. Its modest price is also an advantage. Belonging to the high and middle class watch.
3. Steel shell: generally speaking, the processing is more complicated, the output is small, the price is higher, its performance is higher than the alloy shell and the copper shell, generally used in the high-end electronic watch and mechanical or mechanical automatic watch. It belongs to an upscale watch.
4. Tungsten steel shell: it is difficult to process, not easy to wear, and it is equipped with sapphire watch, Japanese machine core and tungsten steel strap. This watch is usually a high-end electronic watch.
(C) band
The selection of the strap should generally match the surface of the case, choosing what kind of surface to choose from. Except for one case, the surface of any material can match the leather strap, and the effect is ideal.
(D) dial
The dial material is usually made of copper, aluminum, paper and so on. For a watch, the design of the dial is also very important, in our industry, called the dial "plate face", as if a person's face is just as important. Also a watch case with different patterns and textures can achieve different effects.
(E) rear cover
The back cover of the watch is fixed in the core, dust proof, water - proof, etc. It is made of stainless steel. The back can corrode the text and design, and it has three assembly modes.
1, according to the cover
To work directly with the case (on time) (less waterproof)
2, screw cap 
Both the case and rear cover have rib and tighten (waterproof). 
3. Rose bottom 
The case and rear cover are fixed with rose, commonly seen in the square case (waterproof).
(F) watch and watch
The watch needle is an important part of display time. The general watch should have three hands, minute and second hand, with exceptional circumstances. For example, ultra-thin watch, usually only hand and minute hand, the second hand is optional.
The table is an important part of adjusting the hour (time), date (calendar), mostly manual. Generally, copper plating or stainless steel is used.

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