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Website BulletinPosition:Home Page -> Website Bulletin


Published:2017-06-06 18:37:49Click to rate:

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In the national standard, antimagnetic and shockproof performance standards is by "residual effect", residual effect refers to the watches before examination after the poor and testing on the instantaneous watches the difference between the instantaneous day difference. Shock proof: when the watch accidentally falls from 1 meter to the horizontal hardwood surface, the residual effect of quartz watch is less than 2 seconds. The remaining effect of mechanical watch is not more than 60 seconds.
Antimagnetic: when the watch by accident in the strength of 4800 a/m of a magnetic field, quartz watch no more than 1.5 seconds remaining effect, mechanical men's watch (machine core area of more than 314 square millimeters) residual effect no more than 30 seconds, mechanical female table residual effect no more than 45 seconds.

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