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What do you pay attention to when you wear a watch

Published:2017-06-06 18:41:16Click to rate:

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1. Maintain common sense.
(1) wear a watch, the hands of the sweat has corrosive to the case, all steel watchcase being nickel-chromium alloy, corrosion resistant performance is better, half steel watchcase of brass, long-term contact with sweat, easy to corrosion, often should use soft cloth wipe sweat or plastic table mat, to prevent the erosion of the sweat.
(2) do not open the back cover at will, so as to avoid the dust entering the machine core to affect the normal work of the watch.
(3) don't put your watch in the chest of camphor balls, so that the oil can't go bad.
Don't put your watch on the radio or TV to avoid magnetization.
(5) long-term storage of unworn watches should be issued on a regular basis once a month to keep the spare parts from being in a static state for a long time to ensure the performance of the watch machine.
2. After the watch has been marked out a number of lines, you can drop a few drops of water on the table, squeeze a little bit of toothpaste, and you can remove the lines and make the table look new.
Remove the water from the meter. Accidentally watchcase inside water, available a granular material and has been called the silicone water watch together in an airtight container, hours later, took the watch, water is all but disappear. This simple economy has no harm to the accuracy and longevity of the table. Has water absorption after many times of silica gel, and can be dry for several hours under 120 ℃, water absorbing capacity of renewable, also can be used repeatedly.
It's not good to wear a luminous watch. Wear a watch on your wrist to sleep, and if your watch is a luminous watch, it will have a detrimental effect on your body.
This is because the luminous watch pointer and dial with luminous materials, mainly of radium and the mixture of zinc sulfide, radium emit radiation can stimulate the zinc sulfide crystal shine, when sleeping, if wearing a table, the body is eight to nine hours of laser radiation, have certain harm to human body. So, before you go to bed, it's best to take the luminous watch off and put it on the table.
5. Electronic watch tips. Electronic watches in the temperature from 25 to 28 ℃, the circadian timing error within a second, when the temperature below 0 ℃ and 50 ℃ above, two seconds each day and night will be slow. At the same time when the temperature above 60 ℃, the LCD panel will turn black, the temperature dropped below 0 ℃, the LCD panel will lose display effect, so to winter, electronic watches can wear on your wrist, * the body's temperature to maintain its normal time. In addition, high temperature and low temperature can also cause battery leakage and corrosion.

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